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A few miles away, a young lady dressing in classic style seems to be very inviting - she holds a plate and looks at me. I am about to join in their picnic in the orchards…


"Sorry, you are not allowed to approach them!" An old nanny comes to me.


"Huh?...are they waxed?"


"No." Old nanny picks up a tomato from her basket full of colorful fruits and vegetables, "tell me, young man, how would you call this?"


I still look at that white skirt lady sitting on the grass, "Umm, this? tomato, of course."


"Obviously you are one of narcissistic people coming from early 21 century!" Old nanny put those fruits on the table. "Listen, young man, here is Monet's Garden, so things will be a bit different. This tomato, well, certainly isn't called tomato. It's called Edgar Degas' Red, abbreviated as "Redgar"."


She then takes a few small papers out of her apron pocket, spreads them on the table, excitedly says, "These three paintings are my favorite Degas' dance series. I particularly love the way how he used the red, well, the way, you can learn more from Wiki Sensei."




I look at the old nanny for a while. Then I grab a chair to sit right in front of her, "Look, nanny,  I know, you are a very nice lady, and…" I try to find a right word, "ah, knowledgeable also. But honestly, I'm not a typical art fan, you know. I'm, I'm more of a facts man, you know, I came here, just for, just for…" I turn around, look at that white skirt girl on the grass, however she has gone…


A few yellow sparrows suddenly jump onto the table and manage to peck the food out there.


"Oh, you little poor things, go away! Shh! Shh!'' Nanny waves with a tower to drive off the sparrows.


It's a lovely afternoon, I have to say, I lean back and take a deep breath, playing a folk on the table. There is a stack of invoices for the floral purchases, also a <<Construction Guidebook>> on how to renovate this garden--it seems like the original land was a bran, which was expanded as an artist's studio, orchards and garden.


Then, I can hear a group of kids singing in the distance….


''Oh, after-school time! I need to prepare kid's dinner. Sorry, what's your name?'' Nanny starts to organize those invoices, etc.,


"Umm… well, you can just call me... Dude!'' I actually still cannot recall my real name!


"Sorry, Dude, normally we ask the tourists to book our tea time one year in advance - for a better plan. But this is not a peak time for tourism, so we accept you whatsoever. Well, Dude, why don't you just stroll around the garden, making a lovely afternoon walk for yourself? You would certainly be more calm, you look a bit  stressful.."


"Me? Nah…I don't think so. I'm just a bit… anxious maybe…''


"Well, that's exactly how the drunk people said they didn't get drunk! Anyway, when you take a lazy stroll, you might just pop in our mini library, next to Monet's Art Studio, you will find something helpful, enjoy!''


Nanny jots down something on her notebook and no longer cares about me…


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